Everything offers cancer. Almost like a joke. You drink Diet Coke: cancer. Smoking: definitive cancer. Cell phones: little radiation going a long way. So I think of all the times on all those hotel patios where I sat on the phone, puffing away between soda swigs and I think I must've cut some premium minutes off the end of my little life.
So let's be clear: it's not a societal mandate but a personal one, when I say enough is enough. If I can't improve my financial situation I can sure as hell give a little love to my lungs, my stomach and liver in the meantime. Beer and smokes have been cut considerably. Fast food is right out. Sodas of all kinds are done. With these small changes alone I've gone from 191 to 174lbs in the last month. Whoopdee shit. Most of that's probably water weight. Ultimately the goal isn't to lose weight as much as it is to get healthy. I still have an aversion that phrase --all those droll videos we saw as kids, often involving the almighty Food Pyramid or some simple minded crap. Really didn't stop Dad from taking us through Jack In The Box every morning.
For health, my goal now --in amongst the larger and more pressing goals of economic stability and creative fruition-- is to drop myself down to 160 by December and begin to tack on muscle this fall. All this weight loss has been without an exercise routine, so I'm trying to see what throwing that on top would do for me.
In the meantime, I'm going to avoid cancerous activities and continue to pump a decent mix or two onto this site every month. Until the next one, stay classy with yo headset.