Are you working through it? I imagine you in the traffic of the city. Friday afternoon inside the cement river. The millions you pass who pass through you. Underneath the bridges, selling flowers. Somebody's cousin with a farm in Salinas. Far from the city and off the blacktop. I speak city, I eat the images you can't see. Infrared blips through October sunlight. Are they dancin' in Tokyo tonight? Pete has wrapped in Spain. Pau and Kobe coming back from Barcelona. My car has no name but it's Barcelona Red. Too long to title. I used to hate red. Baseball is over but the days of hoops and roses are coming. Are you passing over rivers? Basins of flood control. Departments of Water and Power. Controlled flows. Beside me is a bottle of Little Black Dress, Pinot from Hopland. Mendo status with the ocean shooting back the blue. It goes on forever here. I realized that looking out, if you headed straight from my patio, across the sand and out over the water that you wouldn't hit land until the ice shelves of Antarctica. Too many thousands of miles, but not a single freeway. Sounds enticing. Are you thinking about it? The other thing. When was the last time you danced out of a deep and binding joy? Tied into the socket. Pick up the headset. Pass through.
I'm working through the daydream.
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